Purchased a new sewing machine on ebay last night. Well...not exactly new. It's used...but new for me. I already have 2 sewing machines, but I just don't like the way either one of them sews. I've been wanting a new one for awhile...check ebay frequently...and this one finally came up at reasonable price that would fit in my budget.
My other 2 machines...
#1 is an oldie...a 1950's singer that was left to me by my great aunt when she passed away. It's cast metal...assuming iron...and can sew front, back, and a zig zag. My mother LOVES this machine, and I think I'm just going to give it to her. She learned to sew on an identical machine that her mother had, and thinks it the best thing in town. Me, I can never get the dern thing adjusted right and always, always, always have tension problems.
My other machine is a brother...it is a disney model that does the machine embroidery as well. Bought it at WalMart several years back, so it's not a top of the line model. As far as the machine embroidery goes, it does a lovely job...no complaints considering it wasn't an expensive machine. For everyday sewing though, it too, does not float my boat. The thread cartridge is a drawback for me, as it only will hold a certain size spool. I can't always find that size and it leaves me high and dry until my local shop can get it back in.
The machine I bought...which I'm in love with...is a Pfaff varimatic. I learned to sew on my mom's Pfaff, and for me, I so much prefer Pfaff over the other brands. If I could afford a brand new Pfaff...oh my...I'd so be on that...lol. But alas, those babies are expensive, so a used one is perfectly fine with me. I'll take it to my local service guy when it arrives and he'll make sure it's all tuned up, adjusted, and oiled for me. Can't wait til it gets here!!!
My mom will be happy with my purchase too...she's been wanting my old Singer, and now I can surprise her with it. I've been telling her for years that we could swap...her Pfaff for my old Singer...but she never would bite...lol.